Dear all, Our website, which we had not maintained for a long time, had been spamed and hacked. Trying to sort things out. Sorry for the time it takes! Sylvie
continue17th EUDN PhD Workshop on Development Economics
The European Development Research Network (EUDN) PhD Workshop aims at giving PhD students in Development Economics an opportunity to present their papers in an informal environment, as well as to exchange the results of recent and ongoing research in different sub-fields of development economics. In Fall 2018, the workshop will be jointly organized by the EUDN and the CERDI, Université Clermont Auvergne and CNRS. The event will take place in Clermont-Ferrand, France.
continueElections 2018 (April 9-30, 2018)
Elections 2018 for EUDN’s president and six new associated members will start on the 9th of April and end on the 30th of April 2018.
continuePublic Event Announcement
The European Development Research Network, with support from the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, is pleased to announce a public event on: Inequality Reduction in Developing Countries: What can the International Community do? Lecture by: Peter Lanjouw, Free University of Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) Panel Discoussion with: Francois Bourguignon […] changed Domainprovider
The domain is moving from a french hosting company OVH to Strato a german domain and webhosting provider. This was done to improve performance and stability. Moreover the web content and databases will migrate to a new server at the University of Göttingen due to cost reductions. The transformation […]