EUDN has started a number of different activities :
1. Activity aiming at creating exchange of ideas between academics and researchers working on development issues, on the one hand, and policy makers, on the other hand with a view to increasing the impact of the research community on policy making and development cooperation in Europe.
Scientific European Network Development Conference
This is conceived as a restricted meeting during which members of EUDN present their recent papers and exchange scientific findings and expertise.
2. Activities aiming at reinforcing links between academics and researchers working on development issues in Europe with a view to strengthening European research capacity in the field of development studies, in general, and of development economics, in particular.
European Network Development Conference
Each year, EUDN organises, jointly with a European Development Agency, a conference aimed at promoting a constructive dialogue between academic research and operational expertise. Together, they explore lessons and perspectives for ODA policies. On this occasion, around 700 academics and development practitioners from both the North and the South gather to exchange views.
3. Activities aiming at training young reseachers in development economics through PhD school or workshop, and exchanges of PhD students and Post-Docs among European Institutions and between European and developping countries institutions.
PhD Workshop, Seminar and Summer School